Location : Rotterdam
Client : Het Nieuwe Instituut, College van Rijksadviseurs ( CRa)
Status : Study, commissioned 2023
Photograph : Studio ACTE
Team : Studio ACTE
Het Nieuwe Instituut, a permanent ground for spatial and temporary experiments.
Studio ACTE has collaborated with the CRa, as well as representatives and stakeholders from HNI to carry out research-by-design into the spaces, programmes and functions of Het Nieuwe Instituut.
Understanding the foundations of the original institute allows us to position the building within its context and function. Critically examining the building and its spatial qualities, through its many ‘hard’, material transformations provides insight into how it functions from both a technical and programming perspective.
By looking at the potentials of the existing building, this research-by-design reveals a flexible institute where space is available for experimenting – a place to question the permeability of function, and to design new forms of making through ‘soft’ and temporary interventions into the spaces and programme of the institute.
In doing so, this project re-considers the function of the institute, given its role as a major platform for experimentation in the fields of architecture, design and digital culture. The sharing of knowledge between actors in the design field, and experimenting at a 1:1 scale to test materials and rethink resources will
be essential to building resilient forms of practice. This research invites HNI to position itself not only towards attracting broader outside audiences, but also to shape itself into a vital resource for education and experimentation within the design industry.